Regular attendance is very important to school progress and is required by Utah State Law. Children should be in school every day except in cases of severe illness or emergency. (See insert on guidelines for illness). If your child must be out of school, please call the office by 8:30 am at 801-481-4819.If parents know beforehand that their child(ren) will be absent, they should notify the office and contact the teacher so that homework can be arranged. Homework must be submitted within 5 (five)days after returning to school. If a parent has not notified the office of the reason for the absence, they should send a note with their child upon their return to school. Whenever possible, please schedule appointments with doctors, dentist, etc. outside of school hours. Parents are required to come to the office to sign their child out of school prior to picking students up early. If a child leaves and then returns, they should be signed back up upon return.