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Excellent Eagle

An “Excellent Eagle” is a student caught being good and at Emerson we look for and reward “Excellent Eagles” through:

Golden Eagle Tickets:

Golden Eagle Tickets are used to reinforce positive student behavior.  A Golden Eagle Ticket box is located on the table by the office.  Golden Eagle Ticket drawings occur at the end of each day and winners are announced over the intercom.  Winners receive a prize in the office.

ME Club Tickets:

Teachers receive one ME Club ticket a week to award to a student who is demonstrating outstanding behavior related to Emerson’s school-wide expectations.  Students bring awarded ME Club tickets to the office for their recognition.  

Student of the Week:

Every week, a character word will be the focus for being selected for student of the week.  Weekly, teachers are asked to select one student who exemplifies the weekly character word. Names of students of the week will be announced during the weekly broadcast.  Students will have their picture taken and displayed.  A certificate for each student of the week will be given to the student.